Saturday Dec 2, 2023
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM PST
First Saturday of Every Month 11-3pm
111 NE Old Belfair Hwy
Belfair WA 985285
No Cost thanks to Kitsap Bank
Beth Gizzi
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Art Afternoon
First Saturday of each month from 11AM-3PM
(March will be the 2nd Saturday)
Made possible by the Kitsap Bank. Class by donation. Come down and craft at your leisure. We have a variety of craft supplies that you are free to use. Can also bring a project you are working on from home too! Every month will feature one guest artist. Depending on artist, if they are teaching something they may have their own charge.
We will have pencils,crayons, paints,glue,glitter,feathers and just about every imaginable art supply out there. Come spend the afternoon enjoying this FREE art and craft time. Best part you can leave the mess for us and just take home your creations.